In honour and respect, we dedicate this page
to our brother

Witte Marc

Member Southern Tribe
Chosen Few MC Belgium

Saturday 18 September 2010
Marc phoned us late afternoon for the trip
we would do the next day ....
1 hour later we had a phonecall
with the bad news that sommething happend with Marc
a few of us went straigth to his house

ambulance people were there to try with all the help the could
a few minutes later we heard the bad news .....
a heart desease was fatal ...
we lost our bro'
Somme of us know Marc over 20 years !
again a great loss for 36 family !
we will remember Marc as a good friend &
a member with a great sense of humor ..

We thank the many bikers & clubs who came
to pay
their last respects !
Feels good to see that much Respect!